Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Showdown!: Progressives and Republicans Join to Oppose $700 Billion Ransom Demanded for the Release of $33 Billion to Sustain the Unemployed

A "deal" has been announced to extend all of the Bush tax cuts--including those for millionaires. Some deal.

But the fight isn’t over. Progressives and Republicans are joining together to defeat the deal (for different reasons). In the House, several members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, led by Rep. Peter Welch, have already stated their opposition. In the Senate, Bernie Sanders has promised to filibuster.

We need to support the efforts of those staying in this fight. Sign the petition--oppose the deal.

Here is Senator Sanders announcing his filibuster:

Here is the letter Representative Welch is getting other Democrats to sign:
We oppose acceding to Republican demands to extend the Bush tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires for two reasons.

First, it is fiscally irresponsible. Adding $700 billion to our national debt, as this proposal would do, handcuffs our ability to offer a balanced plan to achieve fiscal stability without a punishing effect on our current commitments, including Social Security and Medicare.

Second, it is grossly unfair. This proposal will hurt, not help, the majority of Americans in the middle class and those working hard to get there. Even as Republicans seek to add $700 billion to our national debt, they oppose extending unemployment benefits to workers and resist COLA increases to seniors.

Without a doubt, the very same people who support this addition to our debt will oppose raising the debt ceiling to pay for it.

We support extending tax cuts in full to 98 percent of American taxpayers, as the President initially proposed. He should not back down. Nor should we.


Member of Congress

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