Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Western media is unable to acknowledge the fact that Washington’s coup in Ukraine has given rise to a strong neo-nazi political movement with which Washington is cooperating. Don't think so? Well, don't be duped. Read this article and/or play the two videos embedded at the bottom.

Guest column by Professor Michel Chossudovsky — The Western Media Finds Nazis In Numbers On Procter and Gamble Soap Packages, But Not In The Ukraine

May 13, 2014 | Original Here                                              Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter

Guest column by Professor Michel Chossudovsky — The Western Media Finds Nazis In
Numbers On Procter and Gamble Soap Packages, But Not In The Ukraine

Professor Chossudovsky shows that the Western media is unable to acknowledge the
fact that Washington’s coup in Ukraine has given rise to a strong neo-nazi political movement with which Washington is cooperating. The neo-nazi paramilitary units seem to be the most effective force Washington’s stooge government in Kiev has at its disposal for murdering peaceful protesters in the Russian areas of eastern and southern Ukraine. Read Professor Chossudovsky’s article here: 

The two videos below, one made by the Ukrainian neo-nazis and one made of their torchlight parades and Sieg Heil salutes, show the determination of this movement. The Western media pretends that this large movement does not exist and that all violence is caused by Russia. Such an amazing lie is difficult to fathom.

Here is the White Book, the Russian Government’s documentation of human rights
violations in Ukraine under Washington’s unelected stooge government.$FILE/White%20Book.pdf

Blogger's Note: While the article by Prof. Chossudovsky is recommended for readers interested in learning the truth about what is going one in Ukraine that the mainstream media will not tell you, it is rather long. On the other hand, I am embedding the two videos recommended by Dr. Roberts because they are true eye-openers. Note that the female voice at the end of the first of these two videos is is that Victoria Nuland, the US Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs ...admitting that over a period of many years the US invested $5 Billion supporting neo-nazis intent on taking over all of Ukraine by force.

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